Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I'll be the first to admit that all of my preconceived notions about what Grace would be like were totally wrong. As I held her sonogram pictures in my hands I would daydream about what she would look like, how she would behave. In my mind she was blond with blue eyes, just like her Daddy, and behaviorally she was just like me. I had it all figured out and she wasn't even born yet. Granted, these notions were coming from a person who was dead convinced that she was having a boy and was in shock for a week when the doctor clearly said "Nope, it's definitely a girl." That, however, did not stop me from thinking that I knew exactly what my child was going to be like.

When they laid her tiny pink body on my chest after she was born I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she didn't look like Aaron, but she, in fact, looked just like me. After they whisked her away to clean, test, and check her I kept stealing glances here and there so I could memorize her face. The face that I created in my mind was nothing like the tiny face that looked back. 

When she was awake these deep blue eyes stared back at me. Dark like the deepest parts of the ocean. And, being me, I jumped on the I-was-totally-right-her-eyes-are-going-to-be-blue bandwagon. I had to be right somehow, I had to salvage some form of Mother's intuition, right?

As time wore on, even within the month, a small tan ring formed in her deep ocean blue eyes. I even made a post about which way her eye color was going to go.

It was only a few short months until her eyes were completely brown. I was wrong again. They are now a dark brown color, like chocolate ganache poured over a fudge brown cake. She melts me with those chocolate eyes, and I'd much rather get lost in chocolate eyes than deep ocean eyes. Who wants to get lost in the ocean when you can get lost in chocolate, am I right?

Her brown eyes are darker than mine, but are close in color to her beautiful Hatch girl cousins. But it's those brown eyes that I stare into when I hold Grace in my arms, those brown eyes that sometimes get me to cave to her demands, those brown eyes that squint ever so slightly when she smiles, and it's those brown eyes that make me forget that I ever wanted them to be blue.

Day 14: Eyes


Mema of 5 said...

I love this post! Someone in this family is going to produce blue eyes before I die. Shall I apply the pressure to Stacey and Cade or Matt and Ashley? If Ryan and Ashby came up with a blue eyed child I think we'd all demand DNA testing. There is still hope for you and Aaron. But, in the meantime, I love all of my brown-eyed grandkids.

Ashby said...

I cannot believe how blue her eyes were when she was first born. And yet, now her brown eyes are somewhere between Brooklyn and Emma's. I love them!

RyRy said...

Go brown team!!!!!!