Saturday, June 18, 2011

I Missed It

Today was supposed to be the sunset. Deep robust oranges melting against buttery yellow and small whisps of red. Something worth oohing and ahhing over. Something that I completely and totally missed.

Instead I got this

 And this

 And this
 And then some of this

And I witnessed it all. There was no time to check my list, see the assignment, and follow through. So, therefore, there are no oranges, no yellows, and definitely no whisps of red. I missed the sunset because we were too busy basking in it. I missed it because I was grabbing life by the horns and riding it PBR style. And to be honest, I'm kind of glad I missed it, because today was ever so glorious.

Day 12: Sunset (Or the Lack thereof)


Shannon said...

I would dare say that these pictures are a fair trade for the sunset, no?

p.s. i miss you and gracie kate...but seeing these pictures of her loving her cousin time makes your absence a little less acute. she's growing up, Kara, and she's just so dang cute.

Kyle and Melanie said...

I am seriously considering coming to see you...tomorrow. I want to bake in the hot Texas sun with you. It looks like you guys are having so much fun in Texas.