Miss Gracie did not cry much but she pinked up so quickly that the doctor wasn't worried. What you can't see in this picture is her amazing conehead.

Gracie looks a lot like Kara when she was born but there is a lot of Aaron in her too.
As long as she is wrapped up she is happy.
Kara was SO GLAD it was over. 13 hours is a LONG time.
Kara, Gracie and Kara's doctor, Dr. Silverman, who was fantastic.
I took a break from my busy blogging job to pose with Gracie Kate
The happy family,
Ok, this is the last one from me. Gorgeous baby and family. I can't wait to get back in town so I can meet her. Congrats again Kara and Aaron! And congrats to grandma too!
I'm so excited for you guys! Congrats! And P.S. I have always LOVED the name Grace! Can't wait to see more pics. Wow, that's crazy you have a baby!
Such a cute little girl!!! I can't wait to meet her! Hope you're having a good night with your new little bundle!
Yeah! Baby! I'm so proud of you Kara! I hope you're doing well and have a quick recovery! You're in our prayers!
Congrats! Gracie is so cute!! And good job Karen with all the updates. I feel like I was there the whole time. I really want to come see you guys in the hospital so let me know all the info. Thanks!
Kara, I can't stop looking at these pictures, I am just so happy for you guys! Gracie is just beautiful, Ryan thinks she totally looks like you. I am really bad at seeing who kids/babies look like so I will just agree and say she looks like you! So happy for you guys! You look great and so happy!
She's darling. Way to officially have the longest labor in your family! I hope the epidural helped...I know it did for my 17 hour labor.
It's all worth it though right? I can totally see some Kara in her. So cute. I hope to keep seeing more pictures.
Way to go Kara!
she is beautiful you two! i am totally tearing up right now looking at all the pictures. i feel like i was there with you all day! your mom was a good little updater! : ) enjoy this happy time!
Congratulations Kara! She is absolutely beautiful!
Way to go girlie! I hope you got a good nights rest last night because this is the start of no sleep for the rest of your life with children!! By the way you look hot in your pictures.
Barnards - Your baby Grace is so cute!!! Congratulations. She is beautiful. I am glad you are both doing well... Kara, we hope you are feeling OK. Have a great first night with your new baby!
congrats kara!! shes beautiful! i'm glad u made it through that long labor!
Grace is a beautiful baby!
Oh Kara, she's beautiful! My first labor was 13 hours too, not too bad, but it seems so long while you're in the process. I'm so glad she's finally here for you guys to love on and snuggle. I think she looks like you Kara- sure to be a beauty! Best of luck and congrats!!
Congratulations! She is so cute, and I can definitely see Kara in her. Thanks for posting so much yesterday! That was fun to follow along.
Kara and Karen, you look too good in those pictures. That should not be allowed.
Congrats guys! She's gorgeous!
YOU DID IT!!! Wow, she's beautiful. I can see both of you in her, but mostly Kara I think. Wow. Isn't it the sweetest, most overwhelming thing you've ever experienced to hold your very own baby? I never knew I could feel so much love and protection until I held Anna. Congratulations! I hope you can get a little sleep here and there, too. I miss you, Kara! :)
Hang on... "Protection?" Maybe that should be "protectiveness..." if that's a word. You get it.
Congrats Kara and Aaron! I'm so happy for you guys! Love you girl!
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