Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Boomerang Effect

On Monday I held a boomerang in my hand. One that had "Grace's Weekend of Fevers" written across the wood. I stood in a clearing and I chucked it as hard as I could. Good riddance. Cabin fever had set in and I was ready to get out of my apartment and ready to have my babe feeling better.

The funny thing with boomerangs is that they come flying right back. Darn it. On Thursday night as I kissed Grace goodnight, my lips pulled back quickly from the heat pouring off of Grace's forehead. I grabbed the thermometer and took her temperature discovering that her fever was back. That boomerang was in my hands again.

I was hoping for a one time fever. But on Friday when her temperature start flirting with the 104 degree range. I plucked her up and booked it to the doctor. 104 is a bad bad number. To be honest, I was scared, and perhaps I teared up a little thinking on the drive to the doctor's office something scary might be happening. Hormones might have been to blame for that one, although I tend to lean on the side of over-dramatic when it comes to certain situations even when I'm not pregnant.

Her ears, nose, throat, and lungs all check out fine. She passed her "flu test" with flying colors, and it is just a virus. A virus that only causes a fever, apparently.

So we are in jammies, watching movies, reading books, and keeping our distance from all the people who aren't sick.

Next time I stand in that clearing, I'm going to throw a really heavy rock. One that doesn't have the ability to fly back to me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I seem to be over dramatic too when it comes to my kids being sick or hurt. Anyways, I am sorry Gracie is not feeling well, that is always hard as a mom. Hopefully she will be feeling back to normal soon.