Monday, October 1, 2012

CCB at 2 Months

Christian is two days away from hitting his 3 month mark, so this post is a little past due, but better late then never, right?

Weight: 12 lbs 10 oz- 82%
Height: 24 inches- 90%
This appointment was the dreaded shots appointment. Three shots and oral vaccination. The nurses took Grace out of the room and I parked myself near Christian's head with his pacifier at the ready. From the first shot he screamed desperately and franctically. I did my best to soothe him while simultaneously tried to prevent myself from bursting into tears. I thought having already done the shot thing with Grace that the second time around I would be able to handle it better. Wrong-o. It was just as hard the second time around
We spent the rest of the day snuggling and taking it easy.
There are a million things bouncing around in my brain right now so I can't really think of a lot of the specifics that happened between months 1 and 2. Around 6 weeks he smiled for the first time. It was hard to capture those smiles but when I did it was so worth the ache I felt in my cheeks from smiling trying to get him to smile.
Around 6 weeks he also slept through the night for the first time. Meaning he went to bed at 8:30pm, I woke him up to feed him at 11pm and he slept until 6:30am. I woke up feeling like a brand new woman. He usually sleeps with this pattern, but it is definitely not flawless or perfectly consistent.
Grace is still a huge fan of her brother and, unfortunately for Christian, loves to be up in his face every opportunity she gets.
I'm sure there are things that I am missing, but I will have better updates in a few days when CCB hits 3 months.


Marc and Miriam Deru said...

Wow, he's a big guy! Way to get him to sleep through the night so early-- That is a WONDERFUL thing. Take care!

Stacey said...

Oh my gosh, that last picture of Grace is cracking me up!!! She is so funny!