Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Results...

Here are the results for the previous "Grace Looks Like..." Post

2 solid votes-- for Aaron

2 semi solid votes-- for Kara


2 votes for Aaron and Kara looking like each other

In Conclusion... Grace looks like both, maybe like Aaron a little bit more, and I need to do some research to make sure that Aaron and I aren't distantly related because apparently we look the same. (and only strange things can come from that...)


Mema of 5 said...

I never got to vote! Oh well, I think the results are better being split. She does look like both of you which is how it should be. And, you can definitely take credit for her eye color (darn Dad's overly dominate genes) which are gorgeous!

Mema of 5 said...

Oops. Should have said...eye color...which IS gorgeous!

Angela and Mike said...

I am in the vote for you and Aaron looking exactly the same as babies...which is very interesting since you don't look similar as adults. Grace must be the perfect combination of both of you!

Shannon said...

It's official; Grace baby came from both of you...which is a good thing ;)
Cause either way you swing it, she's adorable...and those are your genes being passed on. Hence, you're adorable. Win win for everybody.