Monday, February 27, 2012

Where to Start

There is lots to catch up on. It's been a busy few weeks. In there we have had a number of church activities, alongside Valentine's Day and Aaron's birthday.

But perhaps, I should start where I left off. The Pacifier Break-up. Here is how things have gone.
We took the pacifiers away on Sunday night. Grace cried for about an hour and a half, and then gave up and completely konked out. I was shocked when I woke up the next morning and learned that she stayed asleep through the night as well. We took her bumper off of her crib a few months back, and her pacifiers would slip through the slats. Grace woke up in tears then, multiple times, searching for her beebees. So after completely taking the pacifiers away I was expecting her to wake up, but was left pleasantly surprised when she slept the whole night through.

Monday afternoon was an adventure. Not only did she ask for her beebees, cry, and not sleep, she learned how to crawl out of her crib. I was in her room every 15 minutes putting that sucker back in her crib. It was a battle royale. Due to her complete lack of napping, she fell asleep that night with little to no fight.

The rest of the week basically followed the same pattern. The crawling out got fewer and farther between, until she eventually just stayed in there. But she never slept. Grace has always been a good sleeper. I have been spoiled rotten by her 3 hour nap schedule for quite some time. She has fought a few naps in recent months and I could tell a transition was on the horizon. But then it all came to a screeching halt once the pacifiers were gone. I knew she would grow out of the naps, but I just didn't think it would be so soon and so sudden. The hardest part was knowing when she went from zero to tantrum in .00000786 seconds, it was all due to her lack of sleep. She was a handful last week. I was desperate for some mid-day naps myself, but couldn't justify falling asleep while she was still awake. Now there was a cranky toddler, and a cranky pregnant mom in the mix. Last week was neither of our proudest moments, let's just put it that way. By Friday Grace was so tired that she passed out in her crib and slept for 3 and a half hours. You best believe I did the same.

I think Grace is figuring life out without the pacifiers, she has napped in some form or fashion everyday this weekend. The quiet and calm that has currently taken place in my apartment leads me to believe that she fell asleep today. Could this be a possible trend? A Mom can only hope. Perhaps all it took was one rough adjustment week. Fingers crossed.

The pacifier break-up continues...


Alicia said...

You did it! Sounds exactly like what we went through last month. Kara is now back to her normal sleep schedule binky-free! She sleeps at night in her big girl bed, but naps in the crib since it's still too tempting for her to play all over her room instead of nap. Way to go!

Jack's Mama said...

Ugh we are struggling with pacifier addiction in our house too. A few months ago we were rearrange the rooms in our house and due to a few logical reasons Gabe insisted it was time to move Jack to a big boy bed. He has always loved his big boy bed BUT he can get out duh! We have a gate on his room but still it has not been an easy transition on me. And after a crazy summer of all schedules going out the window Jack went from a great napper to pretty much quitting napping. Or if he did nap it made bed time impossible. He will nap in the car if we are out doing things in the afternoon which is common so it helps with his crankiness. However I have actually learned to enjoy a few crazy days with out naps, then Thursdays and/or Fridays when I have the afternoons off work he naps or lays quietly and watches a movie with me, its heavenly! So a few crazy no nap days are worth a weekly nap now in my book!

Diana said...

Seriously, I am such a sucker. I think after 2 weeks of a cranky girl (I'm pretty sure she had forgotten what a binky was but she also forgot how to sleep). I was exhausted one day and needed a nap. So I grabbed the box on the top shelf and she was out before I could leave the room. I seriously proud of Grace AND mostly you for not giving in!