Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving is on the Horizon

So apparently Thanksgiving is on Thursday. When did this happen? Was I too busy frolicking in Target to noticed the days of November ticking steadily by? I can't tell you how many conversations I had with people that involved the line "Thanksgiving is next week, can you believe it?!" One too many, I'd say. But it is here and this is the eve of Thanksgiving week. I pulled out my Thanksgiving decoration. There is no "s" on the end of that word because I only have one Thanksgiving related decoration. But I threw together the 5 pumpkins from Halloween (yes, I still have them), and a fall craft that Grace and I made and called it a day. Maybe one day I'll splurge on more Thanksgiving decor.

This may or may not be a Christmas Countdown Chain, but the colors of November and Thanksgiving are honored, so I felt like it applied to the decor.
And the shining star. Happy Pilgrim folk ready for the feast of their lives. Thank you to my Mother and D.I. for this incredible find.
For all of my lack of celebration this year, I really do love this holiday. The parade, the football games, the food, conversation, friendship, and family (mine are all in Arizona this year), it's all wonderful. I love waking up and filling my kitchen with good smells and having Aaron and Grace all to myself for an entire day. It's fun to think about and discuss all the things that you're truly grateful for, the things that really matter. And anything that involves pumpkin pie with whipped cream receives a gold star in my book.

I can't wait for Thursday.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

my favorite line: "frolicking in Target..." i laughed out loud.

ryan and i went a little crazy in the christmas isle at target last night. it's just too beautiful and mesmerizing not to, you know?