Friday, November 11, 2011

Cold Gratitude

Since Monday I have been sick, today, still sick. Typical cold symptoms, cough, congestion, runny nose, lost voice, etc. These past few sick filled days have been rough but also very very good. In keeping with the theme of this month I'll give thanks for the good in the past few days.

I'm grateful for jammies being so comfortable and for a girl who loves to snuggle with her sick Momma.
I'm grateful for a sister who lives close that will take care of me. For warm meals I get to eat that I didn't have to make. For cousins who love, laugh, and entertain Grace while I nap on the couch.
For beautiful Texas skies and the incredible sunsets it offers.
For sunglasses that my child loves that fit her perfectly (despite being from Build a Bear and intended for a stuffed animal.)
For excuses to take a shower and get out of the house, even if it was just a Cub Scout meeting.
For McDonald's playplaces and ice cream cones.
Even on my worst of days I always had someone or something helping me feel better. It was those little things that made a miserable week fly by. 

Also a shout out to my beautiful friend Grace who is getting married today! 11/11/11. We love you!


Mema of 5 said...

I hope you feel better soon! I miss you and by "I miss you" I mean "I miss Grace!" JK! Sending lots of love your way!

Rachel N said...

I hope you are feeling better!! I just love your spirit, Kara! Your constant optimism is inspiring.

Diana said...

Feel better K, and next time I want a full picture of you in your cub scout uniform. Ryan's the cub master in our ward and he grumbles the entire week before Pack Nights, you guys should bounce ideas off each other sometime!!!!