Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Memory Box

When my sister moved here last December my Mom snuck two boxes full of my crap stuff onto her moving truck. Since then they have sat in my sisters garage untouched. She has lived here almost a year and I figured it was high time I dug through them to figure out which items were for "keeps."

There were lots of things in there. Handouts from girls camp, a box full of notes from friends in high school (thank you Meredith and Julia for constantly keeping me entertained), journals, pictures, ribbons from old swim meets. Pretty much everything that you would have from your growing up years. I quickly sifted through items, my 8 year old niece laying claim to the "cool" stuff that I no longer wanted or needed. Everything else was divided into two piles: trash and keeps.

I always find it amazing the things that I could care less about and the things I can hardly stand to part with. After about an hour and a half, two boxes were slimmed down into one bag. And in that bag there were some awesome things.

A picture of my Mom and her older brothers.
My best friend when I was little, Megan, and I on a camping trip. Do you see my completely untamed coiffure? Can you now understand why I don't go camping? Although the crazy colored stretchy pants I'm rocking are pretty rad.
 My official high school graduation picture. Which was almost 8 years ago, wow.
I was thrilled to see that Aaron's Senior picture survived. He gave this to me 10 years ago. Ah, the good old days of top highlights.
In mine and Aaron's "story" I always mention that Aaron "might have written me" while he was in the Mission Training Center. I now have my hands on the actual letter. Proof that he did in fact write me then.
There was a large pile of journals that I had kept way back in the day. I heavily debated whether or not I would keep them. When I was in 6th and 7th grade I was meticulous about keeping a journal. I wrote down every thought I had. I kept journals for the years following but they were spotty. But the years you want to forget. The years that you were awkward and unattractive, and desperate for attention. Those years I kept in full details. The contents of those journals were beyond embarrassing. I sent pictures to my sister after I came home and we laughed about the absolutely ridiculous things that I said. When Aaron came home I was in tears from laughing so hard. Mind you these stupid things were written in a journal with cats all over it. I had a list of things that I was Thankful for, Heavenly Father being number one, Grape soda pulling its weight as #4 and the over 80 list rounding out with a solid Oxy Pads (do you remember those.) I decided to keep those blasted things despite my embarrassment, because maybe one day I can use them to relate to Grace when she is going through this awful awful phase. Grace, "Mom, you just don't understand me!" Me: "I don't understand that you're obsessed with boys, desperately want their time and attention, and claim to be "in love" with a new one each month? I totally understand that. I have it written right here in my cat journal next to my list of thankfuls. Grace: What are oxy pads?

It was fun to go through items from my past and remember what life was like before responsibilities, marriage, and kids. But when it was all over I was grateful that I got to crawl into bed with my husband after we checked on our little sleeping Grace. Grateful that I had those memories but also grateful that they are over and I can move onto bigger and better memories, keeping a journal of things that I hope I won't be embarrassed about. I'm grateful for what I went through then, so that I can have everything that I do now.

And finally for your enjoyment: #30 on my Thankful List- Carmen Sandiego


Mema of 5 said...

You are SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, you've missed your calling as the female version of Dave Barry. I'm glad that you have FINALLY gone through those boxes. And, btw, I see a little of Grace in baby MeAh.

CarrieM said...

But where in the world is she?

Stephanie said...

It's funny how parents try to push that stuff off on you, when you really don't want it, but you don't want them to throw it away... my dad did that to me about a year ago. I went through the two tupperwares and narrowed it down to a few things and put it back in my dad's garage. Jokes on him, now. I don't have room for that crap! I also had the same thoughts when looking through my old (totally embarrassing) journals. I decided to keep them so I could relate to my kids. Great minds think alike!

P. Pops Anon said...

Three generations of full lipped, blonde, headstrong baby girls. Gotta love it

Kyle and Melanie said...

Thank you Kara's Mom, for sending that awesome picture of Aaron for Kara to share with the world.

Kyle shook his head and said "We've all been through it," referring to the nice highlights a-top Aaron's head. That is seriously CLASSIC!

It is always so much fun to go through old memory boxes.

Shannon said...

what do you bet that highlights make a big comeback in the not too distant future? right behind the leggings and the over sized sweatshirts...
i can see a ton of grace in your mama's little girl picture! crazy, and super cute :)
i think we can all agree with you and thank you for documenting your gratitude of carmen san diego. seriously. thank you.
i am impressed at your journal writing skills. i remember a similar day being super embarrassed over mine; i only wrote when i was in trouble and had been sent to my room. so my posterity will think i was either a) a terrible child or b)had really impatient parents.
is your hair still that curly? it is so cute (as per usual) in that high school grad night. it is also cute in your camping picture. not too many people can pull off camping hair and still look good.

Diana said...

I LOVE Aaron's senior picture almost as much as I love the picture of little Kara. Oh man, I wish I could see more. And the other day we were watching Amazing Race and they were going spelunking. Half the people didn't know what spelunking was so I asked Ryan if he knew what it was and he said, "Ya, Carmen Sandiego taught me what it was years ago". We're thankful for Carmen in our life too!

Unknown said...

HAHAHA! THanks for a good laugh, Kara! Oh, Carmen Sandiego and Oxy pads- that takes me back. And just for the record, I never saw you as awkward. Probably because I was infinitely more awkward than you ever were.
Oh, and that is crazy how much Grace resembles your Mom! I already knew you and Grace look a lot alike...

Russell, Aimee and Savannah said...

Grace looks just like you in that picture of when you were young :) Maybe I should go trough my box?

The Mostess said...

Oh, the highlights. Those need more explaining than face-cleaning pads of yesteryear. Somewhere, Justin Timberlake is pissed Aaron stole his hairdo.