Wednesday, November 23, 2011

In Preparation

I love the days leading up to a holiday. They feel different in a special, kind of magical, way. Everyone is busy, hustling here and there. More cars are on the road. Aisles are packed from Target, to Walmart, to Costco, and everything in between. Although everyone is in different stages, phases, and modes of celebration it fun to think that we are all unified in our efforts to celebrate Thanksgiving. I love that.

We have been busy with our Thanksgiving preparation as well. My Mom and sister sent our "Turkey Trot" Shirts despite our little family not being able to participate. We will cheer the other members of my family from afar as they run their little hearts out in Arizona on Thanksgiving morning.
Couldn't resist those cheeks. They were begging to be kissed.
On Monday I ran from store to store collecting the necessary items that I need to bring for our group Thanksgiving. The weather was dreary and hazy all day. While shopping at Costco it turned into a torrential downpour. I meandered a cart, umbrella, small child, and food items through the parking lots during the storm. We were quite the sight. I'm pretty sure my shoes were never intended to be in the rain since about two step outside I could feel the water squishing between my toes.
With the hustle and bustle there are people leaving town, and those coming into town. Because the world is so small sometimes, I was able to catch up with family friends that I haven't seen in years. All the while chatting with the lovely hostess and having Grace run around like a mad woman and eat all snacks in sight. I had an absolute blast (Thank you Markham Family!).
Yesterday I did six loads of laundry and today I plan on cleaning, because by the time Thursday rolls around I want nothing occupying my mind so I can soak in the festiveness and every single minute that Aaron has off from work.

Between bouts of cleaning and corralling I am crafting up a storm. Tomorrow we will have a Turkey hunt and a rousing game of Pin the Feather on the Turkey, to really work up our appetites.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve.

1 comment:

Julie Markham said...

We enjoyed your visit -- thanks for bringing Grace. Our super heroes loved their new friend.