Thursday, April 29, 2010


Once she learned how to stand, she couldn't get enough of it.
She was playing quietly in her room for awhile when I looked down the hall and saw this:
Standing and playing with toys on the rocking chair that her Great Grandmother gave to her
I'm loving the fact that she is so entertained with finding things to pull herself up with. She stood at this coffee table for at least 20 minutes patting the wood. Whatever floats your boat...
However, with standing comes falling and this girl has taken many a spill. Poor kid. We're practicing our "You're okay!" Thumbs-up-smile-and-pretend-that-falling-over-doesn't-hurt, act.

Along with standing and exploring. Remember that Bumbo that she craftily learned how to escape from? She is now crawling back into it. Make up your mind little lady.


Unknown said...

geez, standing? wasn't she just born? man oh man, watching your baby grow up has made me realize just how fast babies "grow up"
i wanna see her new tricks in person!

teuscher travels said...

I cant believe how much she can move! I was so sorry to hear about your grandmother, I loved reading about how wonderful she was and how much you loved her! Your pics to get out of the funk are hilarious - the nasty weather hasnt been helping the blahs!

The Coons Family said...

I love the "act like is didn't hurt and they'll believe you" voice. Too cute for words that little Gracie!