I asked my mom and Aaron's mom to send pictures of me and Aaron as babies so that i could compare them to Grace, thus the previous blog post. They both sent quite a few pictures that got Aaron and I laughing pretty hard . I figured they might just make your day too.
The classic front porch picture. My mom's only comment "Look at those bangs." Poor Ashby and Stacey.

Aaron and I spent a good 20 minutes laughing in regards to this picture. #1, its been colored on with a pen. #2- Aaron said "Thats me? That baby looks nothing like me." #3, the jury is still out on why Sarah is making that face. #4, you can almost hear Joe laughing in the picture. #5, where on earth is Liv looking? I think i might frame this.

Ah, the Christmas card picture. The bangs are still in full force, as are the ruffles. Matt's face is priceless, as is his hand placement

Aaron and Joe. Is that a civil war fence in the background?

A solo shot in my Christmas dress

Can you believe this blonde haired kid was the same baby in the first Barnard family picture. No wonder Aaron didn't recognize himself.

The eighties weren't such a fantastic decade for hair (sorry mom). What i love about this picture, is that i now own the sweater that i was wearing... crazy.

I saved the best for last of course. This is the best picture ever. The parted hair, teary eyes, bow tie and vest. You can't get any better than that.
My favorite is the Christmas light with that huge bright light dad used that cast some wicked shadows on us. Really dad?! Did we have to use the lamp?!
Great pictures! I think Grace looks a little more like you, but it totally a mix. Whatever it is, it is the perfect combination. I enjoyed the hair, outfits, and all! Too funny. That vest rose and teary eyed face is quite darling. Thanks for sharing!
Go brown team!!!
The picture of Aaron with Joe looks so much like Gracie. I really hope her hair does the same going from dark to light that Aaron's did. We lost out on the blue eyes but maybe there is still hope to salvage getting blonde hair.
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