Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Let Me Tell You...

When this movie first came out i thought it looked good and i wanted to see it. However, i hadn't heard anything about it, so i assumed that it probably wasn't very good because no one was talking about it. Last night i went with Aaron's side of the family (aaron wasn't there, story to come later) to dinner and a movie (for FHE). We originally wanted to see Ratatouille at 7 at the dollar theatre, but it was sold out. So we discussed our options (Rush Hour Three, No Reservations, and Stardust) I eliminated No Reservations because i had seen it on Friday with Jillian, and almost everyone eliminated Rush Hour 3 because it looked stupid. With no other options left we settled on Stardust.

Oh my goodness!!! It was one of the best movies i have ever seen! The characters were great, it was funny, romantic, and mystical all at the same time. Because i hadn't heard anything about it, i assumed that everyone else hadn't heard anything, so i wanted to tell you to GO SEE IT! Also, if any of you are thinking what to get me for Christmas or my birthday, i want this movie so i can watch it all the time. You might think i'm kidding, but i'm not. I think i might go see it again before the week is out. Its only a dollar at the dollar theater. I highly recommend this movie.

So there you go, now you have heard about the movie, my job here is done

1 comment:

Ashby said...

I saw it in August with my friend Courtney and LOVED it!!!! Ryan would have seen it....over his dead body. But I agree....great movie!