Monday, October 11, 2010

My Life in Boxes

My life is being overrun by cardboard right now. There are boxes as far as the eye can see. Due to my current blogging you can tell I'm avoiding said boxes. Everyday this week has blurred into the next. I feel like I'm packing a lot but making very little progress.
Sometimes I think that if I close my eyes really tight that the boxes will magically come to life and start packing themselves, Beauty and the Beast style. No such luck though.

There is one perk to having boxes everywhere. Grace seems to be pretty entertained.
However, I'm not sure how helpful Grace's consumption of packing paper and her constant unpacking of boxes really is.

There have definitely been drawbacks to the packing. AKA disturbing the slumber of tiny beasts while moving furniture and filling boxes. Thankfully good friends like Shannon are there to actually do something about the situation. I just screamed girly girl style and stood behind her while she waged battle with Magnormitron the Spider King. Please note that she took him down with disinfectant spray and had a magazine on hand just in case. There may have been a cup involved which I convinced Shannon she needed in order to shake the spider and stun him before we flushed it down the toilet. It was a traumatizing experience.
With the good and the bad we're still making progress and moving forward.
We might even be having fun during the process. Fun used very loosely of course.
Back to packing...


Marc and Miriam Deru said...

I didn't comment on your last one-- congrats on the new job and YEE HAW for Texas! Packing stinks. Good luck with that. :) I'm excited for you guys!

Chelsea said...

good luck with all that packing... it's the worst, i know! everyday i would have to go on a hunt for more boxes. how do we get so much stuff into those tiny places? now im at the point where anytime i buy something new, i think, "ill have to pack this someday..."

Angela and Mike said...

what part of TX are you moving to? ugh, packing is bad enough WITHOUT a baby. It sounds totally impossible. Good luck!

Shannon said...

I'm not sure if I'm getting the shivers about thinking of you moving away from me, or about the spider...nope, these are definitely spider shivers. The tears are because you're moving away from me...(I'll be strong...)LOVED seeing you guys today.

Allison Barker said...

that spider was HUGE. i would have been freaking out. It's like girls camp all over again...

Ashby said...

Packing and moving on top of my list of things I HATE to do. Hope everything goes well for you this weekend! Love you!