It's resolution time. To be honest, I don't ever remember making New Years resolutions. I'm sure I thought to myself "Oh in the new year I should do this..." but I don't ever remember actually setting a goal and doing it (even if it was for just the first day or first week). This year I actually thought of goals in December that I wanted to accomplish and narrowed down the results to just two resolutions.
1.) I want to be more honest. Not in the sense that I'm a pathological liar and need help... but stick with me here.
First I want to be more honest with myself in regards to why I'm doing a certain thing or not doing a certain thing. I don't want to make excuses for myself as to why, for example, I'm not doing the dishes when I walk by them. Its not because I'm tired or that I have other things to do, I'm not doing them because I'm lazy and would rather sit on my computer. I want to make myself accountable for the things I'm doing. Does that make sense?
Second, I want to be honest with other people. For example, if I'm mad at Aaron for whatever reason and he asks "Are you upset?" I would like to answer "Yes." There is no reason for him to ask me 9,000 times if I'm mad when clearly I'm acting that way but saying that nothing is wrong. There is no point in beating around the bush. This goes along with situations where people ask me "Do you care if I....(insert something here)?" and I say no, I want the person to believe me. I don't want a situation where they ask "Are you sure?" over and over.
Its kind of an obscure resolution but its one that I definitely want to work on.
2.) I want to/am going to run a half marathon. This is something that I have wanted to do for awhile and I thought that after having Grace this would be a great way to get back into shape. I wanted to make sure that I survived the first week of training before I declared to the world that I was going to do this. Thankfully, I survived. I ran more in this week than any other week of my life. At times I thought that I would die while running, but I'm keeping the pace slow and manageable. I'm pretty excited and insanely scared all at the same time.
With the help of the running schedule Aaron's Dad put together for me:
And the jogging stroller, complete with sleeping baby, that my friend is letting me borrow until I get my own (hopefully).
I think that I'll be ready to run the half marathon by the summer. Keep your fingers crossed.