This beautiful girl turned 1 month today

Right now 4:09pm a month ago, i was sitting in a hospital bed with and epidural and an oxygen mask. I was only dilated to a 7 and i was thinking "Shouldn't this baby be here by now?"
The wait was definitely worth it though. Look at that mushy face!

She is getting bigger these days and she is sporting a double chin and arm and leg rolls.... i love it! Her poor hair has serious issues though. Its thick and luscious in the back and practically bald on top (as evidenced by these pictures)

Love you Bugaboo, Happy one month!
I can SO see you in her, Kara! She is a sweet little thing...and she sports her hairdo rather well, if I may say so.:) One month already? No, it can't be! Hope you're celebrating with a party or something.
Poppy LOVES Gracie's hairline. Taylor reminds Poppy all the time that he is bald. Maybe he will tell Gracie this when he meets her. She is starting to really fill out. Aaron just might get his fat baby after all. Can't wait to see her!!!!
I love baby-pattern baldness!
Enjoy the beautiful baby.
Gracie and my Dad have the same haircut, it suits her well! Love these pics, they look really good! And I love the Gracie girl, she is seriously cute.
Happy One Month Gracie!! You are probably one of the few lucky ones who can pull off that hairdo!! Oh, and I bet your parents can't get enough kisses in on those yummy cheeks! Make them give you extra kisses from us. XOXO
Cute pictures. I can't believe she's already a month old! Gracie is the baby version of you, Kara, I swear. Hope everything's going well!
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