Saturday, October 3, 2009

Things I've Learned...

Things I've learned since September 2nd:1. It is possible to wash your sheets 4 times during the span of one week

2. When on a time crunch while shopping with your baby, do not leave the items you just purchased at the counter. You will find yourself extremely annoyed when you put your baby back in the car and realize your items are not in your cart.

3. You can have a new profound love for things you had never heard of before: mesh undies, tucks, dermoplast, spray bottle, etc.4. No matter how much time you spend burping your baby with the burp rag right by her mouth, she will wait until there is no burp rag in sight for the spit up to come flying out.

5. Don't sit on your bed and change your baby's diaper. Even with a waterproof pad you will feel a warm sensation on your leg and realize that the pee has rolled right off the pad and into your comforter where you're sitting.

6. Don't be surprised when 95% of the people that actually stop to look at your baby and say "Aw how cute" are adult men.

7. Don't be offended when some of these men look at your baby and after you say "SHE is 3 weeks old" they say "Oh, its a she?"

8. At 3:00 in the morning you can find that your comcast channels include numbers and names that you never heard of before. Feel free to come to our place to watch the International History Channel.9. Eating M&M's and homemade chocolate chip cookies won't help take the pregnancy weight off.
10. Although you might have vowed never to wear your maternity clothes ever again, they might just be the only clothes that still fit.

11. It is possible to fall asleep sitting up.

12. There might be times when you fall asleep while nursing your baby in the middle of the night and wake up having no idea how long you were asleep or how long your baby had nursed.

13. Don't ask your husband "Do I look fat?" 4 weeks after having your baby. Chances are you do look fat (because you just had a baby) and asking that question just isn't fair to him.

14. The baby's mookie (pacifier) might be the best thing that happened to you (because the baby loves it) and the worst thing that happened to you (she can't stand when it falls out).15. Sometimes your baby will do strange things.16. After changing your baby's dirty diaper she will immediately make another "deposit" in her fresh, clean, empty diaper

17. This might just be the best job you've ever had.


Gooch Family said...

#3 made me laugh out loud! I just pulled out some of my mesh undies to prepare for #2. Such wonderful things, along with the dermoplast, haha. I don't remember anyone ever mentioning such things to me when pregnant until I got to my birthing class. Funny how women forget to tell you about the joys of after birth things you have to deal with. Also you will always get the boy comment until they have more hair, even if they are in pink from head to toe, pierced ears and a bow in their hair. I always wanted to say, "Ummm what gave it away that she's a boy, the bow or the pink outfit?" Come on people!

Ashby said...

So funny that I had to read it out loud to Ryan! And those thighs of Gracie's just need to be squeezed. I love it!

Mema of 5 said...

I seriously think we need to buzz Gracie's mullet. Her hair is looking worse than Billy Ray Cyrus' 10 years ago. I do think it is amazing that she can sit up with her head straight in the bumbo (is that what it is?) She has very strong neck muscles which means, of course, that she is very smart! Mema logic.

Julie Markham said...

For a mother with just 3 weeks experience, you are pretty wise.

Kinzie Sue said...

ditto, ditto, ditto. it's amazing the changes and new things you learn from someone so small! and guess what, it only gets better and better!!

Tiffany said...

So true to all of it! My favorite is the pee one... except for me ... it was not pee... but number 2! at 3:00 in the morning! Have you experienced your first blow out diaper yet? Good times... good times! You are such a cute momma!

Leandra said...

So glad it's worth it :)

You are a wonderful mom. It'll be a fun (and long :) ) adventure!

Stephanie said...

So true. Your mom's comment (Mema, right?) is hilarious.

Jamie said...

love your list! : )

Mema of 5 said...

One more comment--on #12. When Ashby was tiny I would nurse her during the night in the living room of our apartment. More than once, I was too tired to put her back in her crib so I would lay her down on my lap with her head by my knees and then I would nod off into LaLa land. Later, I would wake with a start and find Ashby's butt teetering on the brink of my knees and her head dangling precariously down my outstretched legs. You would have thought she'd be complaining of a massive headache but she was always sleeping peacefully upside down. It's a good thing that babies are so resilient.

Russell, Aimee and Savannah said...

It is the hardest most exhausting job but there is nothing more rewarding on this earth! Hope all is well!

Trey Clark said...

I totally relate! The diapers being filled minutes after a new one is put on, Insane amounts of laundry and hair issues...
But the best is when someone comments on how cute your baby is and then is surprised when you tell them it's a girl - even though she is covered from head to toe in PINK!