Friday, April 17, 2009

Halfway There

I hit the 20 week mark. Halfway there (does anyone else want to start singing "Livin on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi when they hear that phrase? Or is it just me?). The cruel thing about this week i realized (and i'm sure everyone already knows this) is that when you hit 20 weeks you're pregnant for 5 months, meaning that when you hit 40 weeks you're pregnant for 10 months. What cruel evil person has been parading around telling people that pregnancy is only nine months? What a crock.

I want there to be only 9 months so that doesn't give me an extra month to eat, which is apparently the only thing the little fetus ever wants. I think i can pretty much kiss the "healthy weight gain" range goodbye. I know that its simple during pregnancy, you continue to eat healthy only adding a few extra calories here and there. But in reality this never happens, at least for me. The baby pretty much hates everything that doesn't have the word CARBOHYDRATES written all over it. For example, i decided to bring a baggie of carrots to work as a snack which i figured would be a healthier alternative to crackers. I got hungry and started eating them, halfway through the bag i still felt hungry and figured that it would hit my stomach in a few minutes. I finished the bag and was STARVING. i waited 20 minutes and was so desperate that i began to wonder if pregnant women were allowed to eat plastic bags. Its like the carrots didn't even register in my body as food. This isn't the only time that has happened. Eating salads for meals is definitely a thing of the past. The exact same thing happened. Starving before eating, a little satisfied during, and 20 minutes later, starving.

I've decided that trying to eat the foods that keep me hungry isn't going to work and that i have to cave the the carbohydrate queen that has taken residence in my uterus. So i basically eat three things during the day:

Eggo waffles. I'm pretty sure i could eat these all day and i would be 100% satisfied Wheat thins. These are my favorite snack because they keep me full for awhileCEREAL! It doesn't even matter what kind it is as long as i get to eat it. Lately its been Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Captain Crunch. I look forward to the day when i get to eat other things and actually have them fill me up. That will be a lovely day.

Here's to 20 weeks down and 20 weeks to go!


Shannon said...

haha! I was cracking up reading this; I can just picture you telling me this story!

Gooch Family said...

Oh I hear ya ALL the way! I get starving every night before bed and I can't just eat fruit or a granola bar. It's like it doesn't satisfy the baby so the hunger just doesn't go away until you eat something super fatty and delicious. Every morning by 10 I am either eating mac n cheese or quesadillas, no joke. After you have the baby it's almost weird that you aren't continually starving all the time.

Mema of 5 said...

Kara thanks for making me laugh! I don't remember being that hungry during pregnancy but I sure was when I was nursing. Hungry and thirsty. But the amazing thing was I could eat everything and the weight just fell off. Hopefully, you experience the same thing.

Jamie said...

happy 20 weeks! i remember feeling that exact same way!!!

Ashby said...

Wow, already?! It's amazing how fast 20 weeks go by! Now you're on the downhill slope! YAY!

Just be careful what you wish for with eating, because come 35 weeks you will take one bite and suddenly realize that you are digesting your food in your esophagus. A Costco sized bottle of Tums is a must. It's an instant breakfast lunch and dinner for the last five weeks. Just kidding.....

Rebecca Lowe said...

you crack me up! ps ditto. i did the captain crunch thing for awhile, went through 3 family size boxes of honey bunches of oats, 2 bags of cheerios, and 4 bags of granola. last week i bought myself donuts twice at the GAS station! haha. carbs really are the only satisfactory food.

Melissa and Bryan said...

ha ha I know how you feel! I am starving all the time too! The thing that seems to help me is to eat some kind of protein with the carbohydrates and vegetables. The more balanced the meal or snack the less hungry I get. Try peanut butter with the crackers or with apples or cottage cheese with fruit. I am due September 25th! So I am a little over 17 weeks.

Unknown said...

I literally LIVED on chocolate milk and Peanut Butter Captain Crunch....I ate boxes of it at a time. Now, I can't even look at Captain Crunch and Baby Dane has a milk allergy, so chocolate milk is out!