The instructions for this tag are as follows:
1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages)
2. Turn to page 123
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog
5. Tag 5 people
Okay, the 5th sentence wasn't very good, so i'm going to steal Ashby's idea and include some of the surrounding sentences.
"Jop was supposed to be back by the 7:00pm curfew. Seven came and went. Perhaps he had been delayed and would return in the morning."
The Hiding Place is my new favorite book right now. The funny thing is that i usually don't like reading books that have been assigned in class (we were assigned to read it in my HFL class). I actually ended up reading it a month before we were even supposed to start it. Which is amazing in regards to my track record with school assigned reading. I HIGHLY recommend it. It really is one of the best books that i have ever read. Plus its a true story which makes it that much better. It starts a little slow for the first chapter but after that its fantastic!
Now I tag: Rachel, Tiffany, Jillian, Chelsea A, Leandra
I had to read it for my HFL class too!!! I LOVED it!! It was so good, I want to go to the Ten Booms house museum... girls trip 09 for sure!!!! haha. Good to see you are alive!
I, too, read this last year for HFL. I love when you read books for school that are so good like that! It made me feel all guilty though for not being more like her. So good!
I have read this book so many times. It is one of my top three favorite books. I've even heard it quoted in general conference....I think.
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