Thursday, September 15, 2011

I Just Love Her

Does this picture make you smile?
It makes me smile. Grace is a crack up, pulled this face all on her own. I can't tell you how many times I've found my way into iPhoto just to look at. She kills me.

She is a good kid, a really really good kid. I'm just sad that it took me 18 months to realize all of the difficulties of parenting came from me being crazy-sauce. I had a mold and an idea about what parenting was like. As if it was 95% nurture, and 5% nature. I felt like the responsibility of making Grace into a good person rested solely on my shoulders. I pushed and shoved and tried to fit Grace into that mold. She pushed back and refused to be shoved in. I would get frustrated. It wasn't going the way I wanted it to go. In my desperate attempt to make my child great I was finding myself angry and stressed and overwhelmed.

One day, about 7 months ago, Grace was throwing one of the biggest temper tantrums I had ever witnessed. The thought came to me, "Just love her." And as odd as it may seem, in that wildly chaotic moment, I fell in love with Grace. I had always loved her, but in that moment it became deeper and stronger. Everyday I would get on my knees and pray that I would put my philosophies aside and "just love her."

Recent events have allowed me the opportunity to focus solely on Grace. Aaron and I started trying for another baby about nine months ago. With each passing month and each negative pregnancy test, I felt myself struggling. I had doubts and fears, I felt ashamed and scared, I felt incapable. I found myself on my knees a lot. During those months I continuously had to remind myself to live in the here and now. Everyday I became more grateful for Grace. When I just loved her, I saw her for who she was, and she was incredible. Last month when I realized my period was starting, yet again, I felt a hole. It hit me harder that time than any other time in the past. I walked into my living room and fell on my knees and cried. My shoulders shook as the tears fell. Grace walked across the room and looked at me. I knew that she had never been taught how to console someone and through my tears I wondered what she would do. Would she know what to do? She leaned over to meet my eyes and asked "Okay, Momma?" and I said, "I'm okay, just sad." She paused for a moment then turned and sat on my lap. I cried harder and wrapped my arms around her. Holding her in my arms filled that void I had felt moments earlier. I was so grateful to her in that moment for knowing exactly what I needed, even when I didn't know. I felt guilty for trying to fit her into a mold when the one she came in was better than the one I thought she needed.

And I just love her to pieces. Everyday is better than the next. Everyday I realize how lucky I am to have her. While I'd love it if everything went my way, I'm realizing that without these past nine months I might not have seen what was right in front of my face. A tiny little girl with a plan all her own. A little girl that is mine and that loves me. It's no wonder her name is Grace.


Diana said...

K, I love you and wish I knew little Gracie better but she's your little so of course she's wonderful. It's amazing how seemingly "in tune" kids can be at certain times. Wish I could be there to hug you too! Love you!

Rachel said...

That is so sweet. I'm also learning that these little people are here to shape us possibly even more than we are shaping them.

The Wilson Family said...

love you guys! we had the same experience yesterday with the crying and saying i was just sad and JJ comoforting. We miss you all too much!

Ashby said...

We love you Kara, and that Grace too! I so wish we lived closer to you!

The Miguel Family said...

what a wonderful post Kara. Thanks for sharing.

Mema of 5 said...

Such a sweet post. You're a great mom, Kara and Grace is aptly named. And, my favorite thing is Aaron in the background, watching TV in his "comfortable" clothes:)

Kinzie Sue said...

This story is all too familiar. The wait and uncertainty is hard and unbearable at times. But somehow, when we need it most, God sends us love through a tiny child's perfect love, a love that even we can't totally teach them. That sweet Gracie surely is a blessing and a sweetheart.

Jack's Mama said...

Take care Kara! I want another baby too, with our babies the same age i understand the current desire. We haven't started trying yet because we are trying to reach a few financial goals first. But it is SO hard having baby number 2 just being a question mark in your head. But god has a plan for all of us and so far we have both been blessed!

Erika said...

Why is it that whenever I read your blog I either end up with the world's biggest smile or in tears? I seriously wish we lived closer to each other so we could hang out and I could get to know that amazing little girl.

Kyle and Melanie said...

I love you, Kara! Grace is there for you. I wish I could be there for you, too. Just remember, we are only a phone call away. You are in my prayers!!!

Rebecca said...

You done made me cry with this one. I am determined to meet your Grace someday. Hopefully soon?

Shannon said...

that grace. she's pretty amazing. and so are you. love you. mwa.

Angela and Mike said...

Kara, what a beautiful story...and YES, that picture makes me smile. I can relate to your feelings as Mike and I were trying for 8 months to get pregnant again prior to finding out Colton's Autism diagnosis. NOW, I realize why I wasn't getting pregnant. I just have to trust that Heavenly Father is aware of me and he knew it wasn't the best timing.

That little sweet girl of yours is just a doll, spunk and all. Just love on her :)

Dad said...

We love you so much, Kara. Our prayers are with you and seem to be working; the Lord sent his little angel to you to comfort you in your moment of need.

Marylynn said...

I don't know if you've noticed, but I have a TEN year gap between my two children. I feel your pain. If you ever want to talk, I am your girl!