Monday, February 4, 2013

CCB at 7 months

It is at this stage that I'm starting to realize how different Grace and Christian were as babies. Their personalities have always been different, however, at this phase the differences are more apparent. By the time that Grace was 7 months old she was army crawling, sitting, and just learning to stand. Christian is just now mastering the sitting (with a hefty amount of pillows for protection), rolling, and turning in a circle on his tummy.
Grace was a busy body. Always wanting to move, touch, explore, wiggle. Christian is content to snuggle, play quietly, and roll. Grace was exploratory, and Christian is content. Grace learned to arch her back around three months and rarely wanted to be held or snuggled, and she never, ever, fell asleep in my arms. Christian loves to be held or to sit on my lap. He falls asleep in my arms with no problem (which makes going to church and nap time overlap much easier).

Although I am making a comparison between the two, there isn't one type of personality that is better than the other. They are just different. I can already tell that the tactics I would use with Grace as a baby are not the same ones I need to use with Christian. My independent fire-cracker girl, and my sensitive mellow guy are helping me to grow and to learn. They are helping me to see already that their lives will be different despite coming from the same two parents, they will love differently, laugh differently, grow differently. But no matter how opposite they might seem, I will love them both just the same.
More facts about Christian Clark:
-His hair grows in such a way that would lead one to believe that he is growing it for the sole purpose of having a mohawk. I have tried to fight this inevitable hairstyle, seeing as I think mohawks and babies don't really go together. I have attempted on many occasion to just brush it to the side. But it just looks like a mohawk combed over. So I succumbed to the mohawk and I can't tell you how many people comment on it when we're out and about.
-When he is happy he kicks is feet. Like when a puppy wags its tail uncontrollably, thats what his feet do. We can always tell he is awake from his naps, or first thing in the morning, when we hear him kicking his little feet.

-His first tooth, bottom right, is starting to make its entrance. It hasn't broken through yet, but I can definitely feel a bump.

-He loves to be swaddled and to lay on his back

-His fingernails grow at a ridiculous rate. I swear I am trimming those things constantly.

-He sleeps in a pack'n'play in our closet or Grace's bathroom. We tried putting him and Grace in the same room after our trip to Utah but they woke each other up at least three times a night. Thus the closet location.

-Most people tell me he looks just like Aaron

We just love this boy of ours. He has been such a wonderful addition these past seven months. Happy 7 months CCB!


P_Pops_Anon said...

Chistian is just too dang cute for words. Can't wait to hang out with you guys when you get here soon.

kcandbrookie said...

My son was a mohawk baby too and I loved it. Yours is adorable with it too! And my 2nd was much slower at the learning to sit and stand and walk stuff as well. I still have a hard time not comparing the two.

Anonymous said...

He is so squishy, cuddly and sweet! Can we trade babies again? You cuddle mine, I cuddle yours...your baby does rock :)