Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Blessing

We had the opportunity to go to Fort Worth to attend the blessing of sweet little Phoebe. It was so much fun to be a part of her special day. It was also the first time that we got to meet baby Gavin. Grace was fascinated with the babies, perhaps she'll think getting a younger sibling will be a positive thing, right?
We snapped a picture of all the kiddos during the two minutes that they were actually inside the house. They were far too busy playing in the backyard to be hanging out with the boring adults. At one point Grace told me to "Go back inside Mama," when I went to check on her. I think she wants to be done with apartment living and have a yard of her very own. One day Grace, one day.
Getting a kids picture is always tricky because nine times out of ten they turn out like this:
And then, when mirrors are involved, you get to witness the stage-mom action going on to get the kids to pay attention. Obviously, as proven by the above pictures, our efforts were failing.
Aside from snuggling with Phoebe and basking in her amazing cuteness, my favorite part was catching up with these lovely ladies. Pretty sure there is something very therapeutic about girl talk, and red velvet cake, which we were eating in between swapping stories.
Thankfully it was a good excuse for my sister to come back up to Dallas. We only got to spend the day together but it was worth every minute.


Now...A Family of Four said...

By the way, I love you!

Ashby said...

I'm jealous. I wish I could have been there too.

Stacey said...

The visit was TOO short, but I was so happy we got to spend the day with you. Love the mirror pictures.