Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Back to Work

To make a long story short, a few months ago the stars aligned and Rachel and I realized that it would be beneficial for both parties if I came back and watched Blake a few days a week.

With Gracie in tow, what I call work actually feels more like an extended play date

Blake is very sweet to Grace, or "Gracies" as he calls her. He pats her head gently, leans down and talks to her in a high pitched voice (like adults do to kids), and gets excited when she comes over. I'm pretty sure he still doesn't know my name, but he repeats Gracies over and over.
Don't they look like an old married couple in this picture?
We try to go for walks as much as the weather permits. In the few short weeks since I've been back I've gotten many comments while walking
"How old are they?"
"He is 21 months and she is 8 months."
"Wow! You really have your hands full."
I feel no need to correct people. Its a much longer conversation trying to explain everything, so I just laugh as I walk away toting the wagon behind me.
Grace and I are having a great time with Blake and its giving me a glimpse into the life of a toddler. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Grace is as good as Blake.
One thing is for sure with this job, there is a lot of love.
Blake did this hug all on his own... the boy has skills
Its nice to be back at work


Diana said...

Blake looks so big and grown up compared to Grace. So cute and I'm glad it's still going good! Can we hang out?

Tiffany said...

That's so great that you can have a little extra money that you can bring little gracie to and also LOVE it!

The Zangers said...

We are so happy you are back!